Graham Hill Bend

T U R N   T H R E E :   G r a h a m  H i l l  B e n d
Named after double WOrld Champion, Graham Hill.
This bend was originally known as 'Bottom Bend' due to its location after the descent from Druids. After the tragic death of Hill in 1975, at the controls of a twin-engined plane, the bend was renamed after this five-times Monaco GP winner.

VIDEO: Gordon Shedden has a sideways moment into Graham Hill Bend.
Ben Edwards and Tim Harvey commentate.

Sarah Moore, the first and only winner of a TOCA Championship, told us why Graham Hill Bend is a corner where you need to be looking forward and backwards at the same time!

Looking out across at Graham Hill Bend from, a scene of numerous incidents

The British Touring Cars drop down through Graham Hill Bend

A bike track day.

Carl Fogarty leads the World Superbikes down from Druids [top] to Graham Hill [bottom left]

Cars Approaching Graham Hill Bend as the light fades.
Locking Up

Sidecar Overtaking Action

Into the Night, Into Graham Hill Bend